Friday Finds

Every fortnight we share with you a few of our favourite finds over the weeks- things that have caught our eye, tips we've found helpful or just some good ol' design and interior inspiration. We got stuck into West Elm this last week so you'll find that more than one of the links this week are from there!

1. These gorgeous (and super colourful!) ceramic dishes

2. It goes without saying that I'm a sucker for plants and outdoor environments so these tips on how to set up your outdoor space were helpful.

3. A little insight and advice on how to style your coffee table

4. If you're like me, you'll love browsing through pictures of creative workspaces and seeing the different environments that are behind the scenes of a brand or studio. Here's a little sneak peek into the West Elm Makers Studio. Colourful, bright and airy just as I expected!

5. Love succulents but have no space to put them? Check out this DIY Hanging Succulent Garden, complete with step-by-step images and instructions.

6. This beautiful Scandinavian home.

7. Mexican! When it comes to Mexican, I prefer to go out. I hardly ever attempt more than the standard tacos/burritos/nachos but this recipe looks so delicious I've added it to my must-try-and-cook list

8. All I can say is my love of copper, marble and candles have come together in one freakin' sweet product right here

Until next time guys, have a wonderful weekend! Next week we launch our new blog/website/collection and I can't wait to share it with you!