A trip to the reef


We spent the last week in Palm Cove, Cairns. It was great to get away, relax and enjoy some time with the extended family. There were some rainy days but it forced us to have some down time. The great thing about Queensland is that it isn't freezing when it rains like in Sydney, rather it's still warm and balmy. We enjoyed many rounds of 'Settlers of Catan' and caught up on some movies whilst sprawled across the couches.


We squeezed in a few sunny days at the beach which is always good but the highlight for me (and everyone else) was definitely trekking out to the outer Great Barrier Reef. I've always loved getting salty in the ocean and there's no better place to snorkel in Australia. Experiencing the coral and tropical fish first hand in all its glory was a blast - an adventure that everyone should experience at least once in their lives!


All photography by Hunting Louise

Cairns you dig it?


Like many of you we have been enjoying the Easter long weekend. Currently blogging from Cairns, we both were lucky enough to snag 3 days leave between Easter and Anzac day giving us 10 days off total which is madness for this time of year. The weather hasn't been too crash hot so far but we got a day of blissful sun on Sunday, so we ventured out to Trinity Beach to soak up some rays. The beach has always been our favourite place and pastime so it was nice to be back in the heat, enjoying some sun, sand and salt water. This week is anticipated to include a trip to the reef, many games of Settlers of Catan, reading, relaxing and hopefully enjoying some sun. Hope you are all enjoying the Easter long weekend!